Novice Trophy Hunter

The concept of being a trophy hunter has always been intimidating to me, but this year I’ve started to go the extra mile to snag a few more trophies with every game that I play. I’ve noticed that I get a feeling of accomplishment when I notice that I have several trophies for a game and it’s even more noticeable when I get a platinum. This quest to test myself to new genres and to understand my gaming style has been an interesting journey so far.

Easy Platinum

There are some gamers that scoff at these games, but I think this is a good starting point for trophy hunters. Everyone’s gaming journey is different and one thing that I like about several easy platinum games is the fact that you can get it with one playthrough. Telltale Games are great since most only need you to play the game to the end, it’s that simple.   Their games focus on story plots and character development which leads to a quick gameplay if that tickles your fancy. Some days I don’t want to do much in video games so these where I mostly watch the story unfold is just what I need.

Indie Games

This year I’ve finally started to play some Indie Games and I’m sad it’s taken me this long to play them. There is so much diversity and the sky is the limit in regards to possibilities of storytelling. I have a continuous growing list of Indie Games and I’m excited to see what those games have to offer. Some of the games I’ve played have had platinum options but several have not which doesn’t bother me. Regardless, most of the games I’ve played have been quick to play which is wonderful for my limited game time during the week.

Game Styles

I am loyal to the traditional JRPGs where you need 80+ hours to beat the game, there are hundreds of side quests and dungeons for days. This is what makes my heart very happy, but I can’t beat those as quickly anymore due to my work schedule. So I’ve had to try different game styles instead. Point and Click games, rhythm games, narrative games, and hack/slash games have been some new styles that I’ve tried over the several months. It’s been interesting to see myself evolve as a gamer and try new things.

Novice Level

I am not an intimidating gamer and I’ve just recently gotten my tenth Platinum, but I wanted to share my own experience as a “Trophy Hunter”.  I’m only level 14 on PSN but I’m so proud of that. This experience has made me evolve more as a gamer and it’s also helped my competitive streak against my other friends too. MUST HAVE MORE TROPHIES!!! That mindset has helped with my anxiety some and I can’t wait to try some new games. My proudest Platinum right now is Final Fantasy XV and I have my eyes set on a few more soon. Do you have a Platinum that you’re proud of? What are your thoughts on Trophy Hunters? Let me know in the comments and happy gaming!

4 thoughts on “Novice Trophy Hunter

  1. Cool that you’ve decided to join the club.

    You can add me on PSN if you like. It’s ‘Herbish’.

    I’m quite an experienced trophy hunter. The easy platinum is only an issue if the game is utter trash, in my opinion. So what if you get a plat. for playing through a telltale game? They’re amazing! Now, playing a game like Terminator: Salvation just to get a platinum trophy… Seems a bit pointless!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, that’s true that the game has to be good to play them. I’ve played several Telltale Games and they’ve continuously blown me away.


  2. There’s a fine line between being a trophy hunter and being a trophy ‘hoarder.’ Be sure not to fall into the latter camp (like I did), as you might just find yourself playing Hannah Montana on PS3 for the easy platinum.

    Liked by 1 person

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